Let’s revisit the plans you made at the beginning of the year – and if you didn’t make any, there’s no time like the present! Let’s get into action with a few of your favourite business bestie’s and join me for my next CEO Day.

Let’s make our plans together, and then go after them!!!

It’s a day to step away from the busyness of working IN your business to work ON your business for one focused day so you can:

  • Take a step back and review your business progress to date
  • Tackle your 2024 Business Goals and see if they need adjusting
  • Design the second half of the year for success
  • Land on the key thing you need to put in place now, to reap the benefits later
  • What you NEED to do over the summer to ensure you don’t lose momentum
  • Make some smart business decisions to move your business forward
  • Make sure you’re re-inspired to work hard on the right things.